Kilian Jornet’s gear recommendations

Learn more about his favorite pieces and why they work.

“I am very proud to say that last year, I ran all my races with the same Kjerag shoe—Zegama, Sierra Zinal, Hardrock, and UTMB®; approximately 400 km. It was the best test, and the best outcome.”

Kilian Jornet

“Just what I ask from a tank, nothing more nothing less. It’s perfect for racing.”

“I love these shorts! Very comfortable lining. Soft and light material. The waistband is perfect for everything from my phone and gels to a bottle.”

Athlete / 목적 의식을 가진 선구자

Kilian Jornet

킬리안 조넷은 세계 최고의 산악 선수 중 한 명으로 꼽힙니다. 지난 15년 동안 스키, 등산, 트레일 러닝 분야를 지배하며 전 세계 주요 챔피언십과 레이스에서 우승을 차지했습니다.

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