Stories / June 2024

Into the (Un)known,
our newest film

Exclusive premieres across France on June

The film about Kilian Jornet’s latest adventure

Sometimes testing limits requires you to look at a familiar place in a new way. When Kilian Jornet returned to the Pyrenees where he’d spent time with his family as a child, he knew he wanted to challenge himself in a way that was as aesthetic as it was a physical and mental challenge. With the assistance of local hut keepers, friends, and a rough GPX track to follow, Kilian traversed the range, linking all of the major 3000m peaks in just 8 days. Along the way he noticed evidence of glacial retreat, experienced the blurring of days and nights, and rediscovered the mountains of his motherland.

Into the (Un)known is a journey through Kilian’s mind as he takes on the hardest challenge of his career.

France: a stage set for adventure with Kilian Jornet

We've teamed up with Montagne en Scène for a unique event: the film will be screened on June 27 in over 30 cities across France. Moreover, as part of the iconic Marathon du Mont-Blanc, we'll have a special screening in Chamonix. Don't miss it!

Do you want to join this event?

Anyone who would like to attend the event as an audience member can do so by buying tickets.

→ Montagne en Scene

Thursday, 27 June
Select your city

Tickets here

→ Marathon du Mont-Blanc

Friday, 28 June
Le Cinéma Vox, Chamonix

Chamonix tickets here

We look forward to seeing you!

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