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160 €
75 See Reviews
The Tomir 2.0 is supportive without being bulky or stiff. It also offers great traction for all trail conditions.
Allie Ostrander
Built stronger
The Tomir 2.0 incorporates new materials in both the upper and midsole that ensure greater durability. This mix of materials provides superior protection and ensures that the shoe is lightweight and breathable.
To run longer
The new sole geometry ensures an improved foot strike and minimizes impact. The base of the Tomir 2.0 has been widened to offer a better contact feel, providing greater confidence on all types of surfaces.
With more cushioning
Developed with EExpure technology, the midsole of the Tomir 2.0 shoe provides increased cushioning and allows for a more effortless feel, while reducing weight and offering outstanding responsiveness.
2 Year Warranty
We offer a 2 year warranty as standard.
Built to last.
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1–8 of 75 ReviewsSort by : Highest to Lowest Rating
Excelentes para senderismo y ascensiones rápidas
Me decidí a comprar este modelo por los buenos comentarios que leía en distintos medios relacionados con Trail y la carrera de montaña. Aunque las compré para senderismo ligero, ascensiones rápidas y algo de montaña sin complicaciones. Y las sensaciones después de un par de salidas no pueden ser mejores. Agarre, estabilidad del pie, comodidad, protección contra lluvia ligera, …. funcionan muy bien, quizás un pequeño inconveniente es que con tiempo frío queda un poco expuesto el pie. Y lo que más me ha sorprendido es su capacidad de agarre y tracción. Muy recomendables
Espectacular agarre
Las he probado con mucho barro y la verdad es que me he quedado sorprendido del agarre que tienen. Son muy cómodas y el ajuste es perfecto.
Tomir 2.0
Tomir 2.0 ricevute in tempi brevi. Testate nelle prime due uscite e sono molto soddisfatto del grip sul terreno bagnato, su quello roccioso e soprattutto sul prato. Col senno di poi cambierei solo il colore perché il bianco oltre ad essere molto sporchevole é anche difficile da pulire 😂
Dream shoe
As a flat footed and injury prone runner, these shoes are a dream! They have great support, stability, and are extremely comfortable. I just wish I had discovered them earlier 😍
Excellentes chaussures. Modèle très abouti
Excellente chaussures, plus de frottements et amortis appréciable tout en gardant une excellente perception du sol. J'espère que la durabilité annoncée finira de couronner cette chaussure.
A great shoe
Tomir2.0 would definitely go 1/2 or full size up and no problem breaking them in felt great first time out can only get better
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JulienNew Tomir
Chaussure robuste, confortable et dynamique ! Assurant un bon déroulé du pied ainsi qu'un effet rebond lié à son renvoi d'énergie. Elle est très polyvalente ! Efficace sur les terrains boueux et techniques et permettant même d'accélérer efficacement sur des sessions de route (on peut facilement courir à 4min/km