Zegama Aizkorri

The Ultimate Guide to Zegama

avatar-Kilian JornetSupported by Kilian Jornet

The Zegama Aizkorri Marathon is one of the most popular mountain marathons in Spain. It has been held annually since 2002 and attracts runners from all over the world. The race takes place in the Basque Country region and is known as one of the toughest marathons. This year, the race took place on 29th May. Here is more concerning the race.

The History of the Race

Zegama Aizkorri is an international skyrunning competition. It is also known as Zegama-Aizkorri Maratoia. This particular race is held every year in Spain from Zegama, a small town in northern Spain. The first Zegama Aizkorri Marathon was held in 2002, and it was created to “bring a new air to the town of Zegama”, 20 years later the race is one of the most famous mountain marathons in the world.

The Route

Zegama-Aizkorri is famous for its steep climbs up mountains and through valleys; it's considered one of the most difficult mountain marathons in the world because it requires incredible endurance and strength from participants. In addition to being a tough course, other obstacles like rocks and roots along the way make it even harder. But It is still a great way to discover Spain and its landscapes.

During this race, the route involves rocks and trails, steep slopes and uneven terrain. Participants has to wear special shoes with deep cleats to cope with the different types of terrain.

In summary, Zegama-Aizkorri Marathon is a beautiful 42.195-kilometre race in the Basque Country. The route begins and ends in the city of Zegama and there is a time limit of 8 hours to complete it.

Checkpoints and their times:

  • Zegama: 480 minutes
  • Oazurtza: 450 minutes
  • Moano: 420 minutes
  • Itzubiaga: 390 minutes
  • Urbia: 350 minutes
  • Oltze: 325 minutes
  • Aketegi: 270 minutes
  • Sancti Spiritu: 195 minutes
  • Aratz: 180 minutes
  • Atabarreta: 140 minutes
  • Ulzama: 85 minutes

In addition, Zegama has a vertical kilometer race with a drop of 3000 meters.

Factors to consider in Zegama

When participating in this event, you’ll start with a crowd of 500 to 600 people. You’ll pass through a narrow street that takes you to this great mountain marathon course which involves a 42 km of Zegama surrounding mountains, having a total elevation gain of 16300 feets and altitude of 1551 above sea level. Since Zegama has around 180 rainy days a year, the terrain is often wet and muddy. The rain, frogs, deep forest, muddy trails and rocky summits combine to serve up a course that has a unique atmosphere for participants.

Results Zegama 2022

This edition was very memorable because Kilian Jornet (NNormal team), won after breaking the record of the race (3:36:40), and as for the women's classification Nienke Brinkman won (4:16:43).

Also Oriol Cardona Coll won in the men’s category in the vertical kilometer (32:59) and Emelie Forsberg (NNormal team), won in the female category 42:26. She has won repeated victories in different disciplines including European and world championships, which are 4 gold in skyrunner, one gold in world championship and three golds in Europeans championship.

Don’t miss out how the NNormal team lived the race!

Photography: Tom de Peyret

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